Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Squirrel-the other white meat! Fried squirrel with mashed potatoes, page 49

We fried the two remaining squirrels in the freezer for supper tonight. There's a very loose interpretation of a recipe in the book that goes something like this: "Boil squirrel, fry it like you would a chicken and serve it with mashed potatoes." So that's precisely what I did--in a not very precise way.

I haven't boiled something before I fried it before. That's a good trick. It makes the meat nice and tender. Moreover, since it's been cooked to death you don't have to worry about actually cooking the meat in the frying process, just browning it nicely.

Henry and Fred's reaction was fantastic at dinner tonight. Henry came running up the stairs from school, spotted dinner in the making, and shouted enthusiastically, "Fried squirrel and apple pie!! Oh, boy!" And, when Fred came home from work and saw dinner a'brewin' he said, "This is exciting." That's music to a cook's ears. We all ate well and feel very satisfied now. Squirrel--I dare you to try it.

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