Thursday, April 26, 2012

More donations to the cause

This from Ann:

We're rich! We just recieved a generous donation of both paddlefish and wild turkey from Kevin Lohraff (I'm not sure you read our blog but if you are out there, thanks!). Wow. Kevin is actually pictured with his son on page 81 of Cooking Wild in Missouri holding a paddlefish they had caught. The book provides the following information on paddlefish along with their photo: "Paddlefish (also known as spoonbill) are prehistoric fish found only in the tributaries of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and in the Yangtze River in China. Since they are filter feeders, they will not accept bait or lures and must be caught by snagging."

Let's add up all the wild ingredients that have been graciously given to us for our woods to food project. Elderberries from my boss off her farm, gooseberries and persimmons from me ma', hickory nuts from a coworker's wife, morels from a generous blog reader in St. Louis, duck from Fred's hunting buddies, paw paws from a friend and now paddlefish and turkey. Gee. That makes us sound pretty needy, eh? That or there are a lot of nice folks out there interested in our project.

Let's see what we've come up with ourselves wild-ingredient wise: rabbit, squirrel, venison, duck, pheasant, quail, catfish, bass and sunfish, trout, black walnuts, pecans, persimmons (and some purchased morels).

What do we still have to go? More squirrel (they're not in season right now), Fred is still trying for his own turkey so we can have enough meat for all the turkey recipes, crawfish, walleye, blackberries, more gooseberries and various mushrooms (blewits, chanterelles,  and hen of the woods).

We're getting there, folks. Thanks to everybody for helping along the way.

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