Sunday, April 15, 2012

Some folks giveth mushrooms, some folks taketh away

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me! This Friday was my birthday and guess you gave me my first gift of the day? A complete stranger! What do I mean by this? Well read on to find out.

Apparently, a friendly, generous and excellent morel hunting fellow from St. Louis is reading our post (hello, out there, by the way) and decided enough was enough. He emailed Fred on Friday offering to mail us some morels he has dehydrated. Can you believe that?! That he happened to contact us on my birthday is just one of those lovely, happy coincidences in life.

So, now I'm checking our mailbox with a spring in my step. Ever gotten a package of morels in the mail before? I certainly haven't. How exciting. I looked over the morel recipes today to see what we have to look forward to. Morels with pheasant, morels in a cream and marsala sauce over noodles, morel and pea shoot salad (those will have to be fresh ones). Yee ha!

Some folks giveth mushrooms, some folks taketh away. Thank you for giveth-ing. Its much funner that being taken away from!

1 comment:

Josh and Jenn said...

Sweet! Happy Birthday and have fun with those shrooms....