Sunday, January 1, 2012

black walnut chocolate biscotti, page 128

I've never made biscotti, have you? They are a romantic-type food to me. Not romantic necessarily like Valentine's Day but romantic in the life-is-rich-if-you-have-a-biscotti type way. I think it's because I see them at neat places like coffee shop counters and book stores and such.

This is another recipe I made when Sara Hill came to do a TV spot about our project. I wanted to make something from the book to take on our travels for the holidays and thought biscotti would keep and travel well.

And guess, what, it turns out that this biscotti recipe makes something that closely resembles . . . biscotti!!! It's still shocking to me to cook something I've never made and have it turn out like I picture it.

The dough is very dry with no fat. First you make loaves and bake them, then cut the loaves into slices and bake the slices again to dry them a bit more. This dough is spiced with cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cocoa and has black walnuts, too, which are very flavorful in themselves.

I may like the idea of biscotti more than the actual taste. I am used to sweets being richer and can recall eating biscotti a few times and feeling a little flat about the results.

I haven't dug into our homemade biscotti batch yet. I am looking forward to sharing them with friends for the holidays and giving my full report.

1/1/2012 Full report: biscotti were nice as a hiking dessert and enjoyable to bring on our travels. See photos:


Anonymous said...

what, no link to the tv clip?

Fred and Ann Koenig said...

The TV spot hasn't aired yet. It might not run for a month or two. When it does we will certainly post a link.