Saturday, October 1, 2011

Catfish asparagus bisque, page 95

Here's a nice comfort food for any day of the week. This bisque is made with a broth of potatoes (from our potato patch), chicken broth, onion, garlic and asparagus, with lemon and catfish added after the rest is pureed. Fred thought the soup comforting, like something you'd want if your tummy was a bit off or if you had a cold.
I made a booboo cooking the soup that seemed stupid afterwards. Somehow I was looking at the cooking times of "add potatoes, cook 12 minutes, then add asparagus, cook 12 minutes more" (paraphrasing here) and thought I could cut that out and go straight to pureeing, then add the catfish and finish up the cooking time. Well, I tasted the soup once the catfish was done and . . . it tasted and had the texture of pureed raw potato. Oops. No harm done, though. I don't think the catfish was harmed by cooking longer.
The next day for lunch I topped the reheated soup with a lot of chunks of cold tomatoes from our garden. I liked it. It's the kind of lunch you enjoy and makes you feel strong and full of veggies after.
We're at my sister's house this weekend and I'm itching to cook from the Cooking Wild book. What to do. What to do. I know she's got venison in the freezer and I'm out. Hmmm. We looked through the book this morning but the recipes we have remaining to make don't blend with what she had in mind for dinner. Moreover, I really like my sister's cooking and who wants to cook when their sister will cook for them!

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