Monday, October 17, 2011

Penne with Squash, page 126, and Upside-Down Pear Pecan Gingerbread

Company's coming! Friday evening my folks and a reporter with KBIA (91.3 FM, public radio station here in town) came for dinner. We served penne pasta with pecans, parmesan, delicata squash, sage, etc (from the book), chicken, French bread and salad. Very nice and satisfying. For dessert we made an upside-down pear pecan gingerbread, also from the book-two recipes in one night!
The radio reporter came to learn more about our Woods to Food project. She came over for almost three hours starting with the preparing of dinner and staying though dessert. But, guess what? She didn't eat with us. Apparently, eating with the people you are interviewing is a journalism no-no. What do you think of that? I felt like a drug pusher trying to entice Scarlett (that's the reporter's name) to please eat, but she stuck to her journalism ethics and refrained from even a cup of coffee. Man, did I feel like running out to her car and slipping in a plate of food wrapped in tin foil. But, I could tell that wouldn't have worked with her either.
It was interesting for us to have Scarlett over and I think interesting for her, too. I showed her how long it look to deshell a cup of pecans (about 5 minutes for ones that are already cracked) verses the time it takes to crack hickory nuts (I think one cup of hickory nuts take about 1 gazillion hours to shell). The piece she recorded is going to air Friday the 21st at 5:20 or 5:30, not sure which. Scarlett is KBIA's Art and Culture reporter and has a regular spot at that time.
It was fun to share another of our Woods to Food project meals with my parents, as well. They really enjoyed both the pasta/squash dish and the dessert and bragged up a storm about them. We all liked the cake with whipped cream and would recommend the pairing if you make the cake which is moist, pretty, unique and mui tasty.
What a pleasant fall evening. After dinner we took a walk over to campus to see the MU homecoming house decs while my cousin took our oldest to paintball zombies. Cooking with squash, nuts and pears, MU homecoming rituals and attacking zombies--happy Friday night in October!

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